The policies and information listed below apply to all staff, the teacher and assistants.
Respect is the main rule at Small World. A child is expected to respect the other children and the adults in the classroom and to respect the materials in the room. If a child's behavior is inappropriate: that is disrespectful of people and property, the teacher or assistant reminds the child of the rules and asks him to correct his behavior. If a gentle reminder is not effective, the child is asked to leave his work and sit quietly by himself in the room and think about the rules. He may return to his work when he is ready to follow the rules. A child is taken out of the room and to the office when his behavior or his protests are disrupting the order in the classroom. He returns when he decides that he can work peacefully and orderly in the room abiding by the rules. Discipline is not imposed on the child by the teacher using a loud voice or by hitting. Respect is shown to the child by the adult. The teacher encourages the child toward self-discipline by explaining the rules or the framework of the room and allowing the child to correct his behavior so that he can be part of the classroom. Self-discipline is the goal.
The teachers at Small World are sensitive to the needs and safety of each child. We teach (encourage) respect for persons and property. We encourage responsibility and allow the children to be responsible for their "work" - whether it is pouring juice, using an iron or using the outdoor play equipment. All materials are demonstrated by the teacher, who gives guidelines for safety and right handling before allowing use by the child. Rules of classroom safety are reviewed with the children regularly. If a child is hurt in the classroom or when playing outside, the teacher and assistants are trained in first aid and take care of skinned knees and minor accidents. Parents are notified and an incident report is completed. Swimming or other water activities which may endanger a child are not part of the curriculum at Small World.
The teacher and assistants are responsible for the safety of the children. No child is left alone or unsupervised. The teacher greets each child at the door on arrival and dismisses the children individually into the hands of the parent or guardian. If someone other than the custodial parent or designated guardian is to pick up the child, parents are to indicate this to the teacher in advance. The staff is trained to recognize child abuse. The child protection service agency is notified when a staff member suspects that a child has been abused or neglected.
Fire and weather safety rules are taught. A monthly fire drill is practiced. We have evacuation procedures; the plan is posted by each door. The emergency medical plan is located in the office by the telephone. In the event of a major weather or national emergency we would expect the parents and/or guardians to pick up the children early from school when notified. All centers must have an emergency evacuation site in the event of damage to our building. We would evacuate to St. Michael's School in such an event.
If your child is absent for any reason, we ask that the school be notified. This is especially important in the case of communicable diseases. The teachers are trained to recognize the common signs of communicable diseases or other illnesses. Parents are notified if a child becomes ill at school and shows any of the following symptoms: temperature of 100 degrees in combination with other symptoms, diarrhea, severe coughing, difficult or rapid breathing, yellowish skin or eyes, redness of the eye (conjunctivitis), skin rashes, stiff neck with fever, sore throat or difficulty in swallowing, vomiting, or evidence of lice. A disease chart is located in the school office to aid in identification of communicable illness. An ill child is separated from the others until the parents can arrange for pick up. The child may return to school when they are free of symptoms. Days missed for illness may be made up. A notice will be posted on the bulletin board when the children have been exposed to a communicable disease.
Small World's policy concerning the administration of medication is that no teacher shall administer medication to any child. This must be done by the parents or by the child (e.g., with the use of an inhaler). Inhalers and/or medication prescribed by a doctor may be kept at school for emergencies.
We welcome visitors to the school after the first six weeks. Observation can provide insights and understanding which reading alone cannot do. We suggest at least one book on Montessori be read prior to the visit so that the school may be viewed in context. Visitors generally come during the "work period". If you wish to observe, please notify us. There are special visiting times on our calendar for parents: "Mother's Morning" in January and "Father's Night" in February. Grandparents may also visit.
School days cancelled due to inclement weather will be determined by Plain Local School District closings. Please listen to WHBC radio for this announcement.
Due to the nature of the activities indoors and out, play clothes are recommended. Clothing should be practical and manageable for the children. A great sign of growing up is being able to dress oneself; it gives a sense of independence and accomplishment. Please have the children dress in suitable clothing for outdoor play. We go outside daily unless it is raining or too cold. The children need to have warm outer clothing in winter including hats and mittens.
Your child may wish to celebrate his birthday at school by bringing in a simple snack. We recommend cookies and/or fruit. Small portions are best. Birthday children are honored.
We observe the major holidays during the school year. We have simple celebrations throughout the year, not parties. We incorporate the holiday into learning activities. We have special foods at Thanksgiving and Christmas which we prepare at school. If parents wish to send a snack to school we ask for you to notify us and keep it simple. If the children are overwhelmed with things and/or food they do not appreciate the meaning of an event. We do keep our snacks simple and nutritious to model healthful living to the children.
When field trips are planned for Small World, we ask for parents to drive. Parents must sign permission forms for their child to attend. Parents must send in car seats if their children require them. If emergency transportation is required due to illness or other emergency, we contact parents or other authorized contacts.
A bulletin board is located next to the room.. There you will find announcements of dates and times for special events, or any other significant items. Please check this board weekly. Letters are sent home periodically to give details of upcoming events.
A regular parent-teacher conference is held each semester. At the fall conference the development of your child will be evaluated and discussed. At the spring conference your child's growth during the year will be assessed. If there are any problems or questions during the year, please feel free to schedule a conference at any time.
Any custodial parent or guardian of a child enrolled in a child care center shall be permitted unlimited access to the center during hours of operation for the purposes of contacting their children or evaluating the care or the premises. A parent of a child enrolled at the center who is not the child's residential parent shall be permitted unlimited access to the center and be afforded the same rights as the residential parent unless there is court documentation limiting access and conditions of the nonresidential parent. Upon entering the center, the parent or guardian shall notify the administrator or designee of their presence.
Small World Montessori School is a licensed facility for teaching preschool and kindergarten. Although we are a school and not a daycare facility, we are reviewed annually by a representative of the Ohio Job and Family Services office for compliance with preschool and day care laws. Attached is information for parents required by the Ohio Administrative Code. The teachers are accredited by the State of Ohio and are Montessori trained.

Small World
Montessori Preschool & Kindergarten
Located in:
Trinity United Church of Christ
3909 Blackburn Road NW
Canton, OH 44718