Small World's Program
At Small World we have integrated the best of two methodologies - Montessori and traditional - and have created a flexible program which is molded by each individual child. We strive to develop self-discipline and self-motivation. We advocate mutual help among children rather than competition. Most importantly, we strive to develop each child's unique abilities allowing him to gain independence and self-esteem. Our hope is that the children become secure in themselves so that they are free to learn, and learning becomes a joy.
Our program is ideally three years in length. A child is enrolled between the ages of three and four and is expected to remain for the kindergarten year. Having a child attend kindergarten is desirable so that he may reap the benefits for which he has been preparing during his previous two years. It is in the third year that things come together in the child's mind and he shows his gained confidence and security. The older children model for the younger ones. After kindergarten the children feel quite capable and are eager for learning. They are well prepared for elementary school and usually excel throughout their years in school. A person who is motivated from within is interested in being more than proficient and will follow his own standards of excellence.
8:30-8:45 a.m.
Arrival, greeting, hanging up coats. Parents are asked to say "good-bye" to their children at the classroom door. This reinforces each child's independence by allowing him to enter and greet his teacher and hang up his coat on his own.
8:45-9:30 a.m.
Circle time - This is the time when children learn to talk and listen, respecting the rules of the group. The child may bring an item to "share", or just talk about an adventure or experience he has had. This time is used to talk about the calendar and current events, and to make the presentations of the new activities for the day.
9:30-10:50 a.m.
Work time - The children are actively involved with the materials and other children by "working" with them. This enables them to increase their knowledge and understanding by experimenting and experiencing.
10:50-11:10 a.m.
Snack - The school provides a daily snack for the children. This is a simple, nutritious snack. The children serve the snack and clean up. This is a time to learn serving skills and social graces.
11:10-11:20 a.m.
Story time - A story is read to the children to help develop an appreciation for books, listening skills and visual imagery.
11:20-11:30 a.m.
Music and/or exercising (outdoors, weather permitting).
11:30 a.m.
Dismissal - Parents are asked to wait outside the classroom door until your child is dismissed by the teacher.
Extended day - An afternoon session is held three days a week for the children in the kindergarten program. Activities during this period include preparing lunch and cleaning up, working on specific kindergarten skills, e.g. listening skills, phonetics, reading, math, writing, etc.
Before a child is enrolled in Small World the child and his parents are interviewed by the director. A parent handbook which outlines Small World's philosophy and policies is given to the parents. It is important that parents understand Small World's program and methods. Readiness of the child for preschool is determined by the teacher and the parents. An adjustment period is expected. All enrollment forms are to be turned in by the first day of school. The medical form needs to be on file within 30 days of the beginning of school.
An orientation period in the fall precedes the normal three-hour program. It is designed to provide your child with the opportunity to become accustomed to his new situation gradually and at his own pace. In a smaller group of children coming for a shorter period of time your child becomes familiar with ground rules and procedures in the school.
The first six weeks of school is an adjustment period for your child. Both the teacher and your child discover his readiness for preschool. Final acceptance of each child is dependent upon the teacher's evaluation.
It is important for each child that his attendance be as consistent as possible. It is expected that he will miss some time from school each year. This does not put him behind the other children since each child is working at his own pace and level of development. Although parents need not worry over days of absence due to illness, irregular attendance based on whim or mood - parent's or child's - is unacceptable. Absences may be made up at a later date. Refunds will not be given for days missed.
When parents enroll their child in Small World, it is expected that they will become familiar with and be supportive of the school's philosophy and methods. Close communication between parents and teachers is very important so that parenting and teaching methods are in harmony. For this reason parents are expected to attend meetings and conferences. Parents always have access to their children during school time and can talk with the teacher daily.
Parents assume a financial obligation when they enroll a child. Children are enrolled for one year or the completion of one school year. Monthly tuition payments are to be paid promptly. Withdrawal of a child during the year is possible for the following reasons only: failure of the child to adjust after one month (on recommendation of the teacher), relocation out of town, or prolonged illness or injury (on recommendation of a doctor).
Small World
Montessori Preschool & Kindergarten
Located in:
Trinity United Church of Christ
3909 Blackburn Road NW
Canton, OH 44718